Son: "Mom, when you were little did you have a table?"
Me: "Like a kitchen table?"
Son: "Yes, a table."
Me: "Yes, we had a table."
Son: "Oh, that was a long time ago I thought maybe they weren't invented yet."
Me: "I wasn't a cave child."
You can imagine my worry as this questioning came the morning after he received this at a baseball game:
He's one brave catcher who fearlessly went right back in the game. I wish I had 45% of his energy. He's fine now, and I've since explained the various eras of our history...
Me: "Like a kitchen table?"
Son: "Yes, a table."
Me: "Yes, we had a table."
Son: "Oh, that was a long time ago I thought maybe they weren't invented yet."
Me: "I wasn't a cave child."
You can imagine my worry as this questioning came the morning after he received this at a baseball game:
Yep, those are stitching imprints. |
Our weekend came and went and was full of our children's extracurricular activities including a t-ball game played by the 2013 Bad news Bears and a glitzy, sickeningly sweet dance recital, a visit from excellent houseguests, and next to nil extra time for much needed relaxation let alone conversation with dear hubby. My week began with a case of the Mondays worthy of BJ's Wholesale Club, and until tonight the week hadn't shown much promise of betterment.
It feels as though the shuffling never ceases -- the shuffling of my feet, the shuffling of my duties, the shuffling of dust bunnies, and the shuffling of my bus. I wonder how many times per month I shuffle along the same stretch of road - add to that the fact that said road has been undergoing construction for next to a year and is now being paved with nauseating tar, and I'm one grumpy shuffler.
For this reason I became somewhat disoriented on Monday and even after looking at my calendar and seeing an important scheduled event I simply failed to attend it due to mommy brain. I MISSED MY DAUGHTER'S PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCE! ACK!!! I am embarrassed to admit this, but I feel I deserve to be publicly humiliated. I realized this as I casually strolled into her Preschool to pick her up on Monday, and I was beyond mortified. I was THAT parent and was quick to award myself "Worst Parent of the Day." Maybe it was the fumes from the tar...yeah, I'll blame it on those...
Whilst venting about this to a friend she simply said: "You've just got too many balls in the air." Well, ain't that the truth?! Don't we all, moms? Ay caramba! [shouted in my best Bart Simpson]. Which ball is the next to get dropped? I am proof that not all of America has Got Talent as I am one sorry excuse of a juggler, and Piers Morgan would definitely give me the big red X with a look of utter disgust.
It was just another "Manic Monday" as later that night I stealthily added my son's TEN new belt loops to his uniform and dragged all three kiddos to his Scouts' meeting only to arrive last at 7.5 minutes tardy. Thus, we missed his name being called and the awarding of more belt loops to make for an even dozen. I guess it's as the Mamas & Papas so insightfully belted out ages ago - back in the days of no tables:
Monday, Monday, can't trust that day
Monday, Monday, sometimes it just turns out that way
Monday, Monday, sometimes it just turns out that way
Ba-da ba-da-da-da...then comes Tuesday...I'll save you all the gory details, but I'll just say that it ended with my need to bleach a bathtub thanks to a little 10-month-old sidekick who timed his #2 with bath time. Again - Ay caramba! I think that was my actual response to discovering the floaters. That, of course, was proceeded by incessant commentary and giggling from my 5 & 6-year olds who were in hysterics and streaking through our home.
Then, I arrive at the hump. Ah, Wednesday....Here are a few snapshots from today in time order...
My Linner - Moms don't eat lunch. Deserved - or so I tell myself. |
Sitting here receiving my blogging therapy I must say that I am so very happy that I have successfully climbed the proverbial hill this week. It's all downhill from Wednesday, right?!
Lastly I must add that this is all in jest - I am right rosy when it comes to life. I just feel like it is literally passing me by lately. This rainbow made me pause, smile, and give thanks for the beauty in this crazy spinning world full of tar.