Thursday, March 14, 2013

Taking It to Church

No, I'm not throwing off my heels Jerry Springer guest style and plotting to destroy someone in a cat fight so they're terrified into changing their life (as an urban dictionary would define "taking it to church"). 
The phrase has two meanings, and as for the second: 
No, I'm not going to start shouting from a maple pulpit 'bout the devil, driving home points with inflected "hmm-hmm's", wiping my brow, hitting the brave folks in the front row with flaming spittle, pounding said pulpit, and expecting you to shout "Amen."  That kind of 'taking it to church' ain't my speed either, and I'm just not that confident of a public speaker, nor do I like the sound of my own voice. 

Yes, I'm generally the silent prayer type, preferably seated about four rows back, left of center (slight reflection of my political views perhaps...), near a window...I've grown fond of the easy feel of our church.  A place I never really saw myself getting comfortable, but once I entered I quickly abandoned some of my ingrained perceptions of the necessity of things like a steeple, hymnals, immovable wooden pews, non eco-friendly lil plastic communion cups, stained glass, a robed choir, and proper maple pulpits.  I'm not knocking traditional churches; I'm not a snake shaker either.  I'm merely sharing that I've accepted our Church as it is, and as I am approaching mid-life I'm trying really hard to accept who I've come to be.  Sometimes simpler is simply easier, and at this point in my life ease is invaluable.
Today I am at a mid-week place of calm thanks to the lingering effect that the words of our Church's benediction has on my overworked firing synapses.  Anytime I question things, these words are there, and they do help.  They've been there since my first visit and are as powerful to me today as they were then.  They've become memorized (something that's typically tough for me to do), and thus, I carry them wherever I go.
No, I don't make it to Church every Sunday, and no, I don't believe one must do that to profess Christianity or to be a good person.  I cannot even recite scripture - chalking that up to my bad memory.  My throat has gone dry when I've prayed out loud in front of others, and in another life I taught Public Speaking.  I try not to judge, but two paragraphs ago I showed that I am 100% incapable of this (chalking that up to human nature).
Yes, I am going to share the words of that benediction with you.
Yes, I hope these words linger into your brain, plant their little seeds, and grow when you are really questioning the lemons, bumpy tree root ridden paths, and unexpected curve balls that life's handed you.
Yes, I've been handed lemons from time to time, and I pretend to be "rosy"- peachy keen even...
Yes, I've tried to make lemonade.
Yes, most of the time that lemonade turns out too tart.
So, when things are tart, broken, questionable, inconceivable, overwhelming, crushing, mind-boggling, staggering, perplexing, shattering, paralyzing, unfair, mixed up, unglued, any horrid adjective (& expletive) imaginable - I try my best to tune in and hear these words in my head on repeat play.
Yes, I hear a voice in my head.  No, that shouldn't deter you from reading any further.
This benediction is like my secret peace keeper (a.k.a. missile), and when I hear the voice speak it in my noggin' I am thankful, hopeful, grateful, peaceful, soothed, calm, content, relieved, whole, satisfied, joyful, blessed, captivated, centered, delighted, even *gasp* "rosy," but most of all - humbled and all of those horrid adjectives are blasted into oblivion for at least a moment & sometimes for good.

By typing all of this and putting it into cyberspace I am breaking a rule I've upheld for years.  That rule is that I refrain from discussing politics and religion with friends and family whenever possible.  Today I feel compelled to toss that rule into the trash along with my squeezed lemons.
So without further ado, regardless of your religion or lack thereof - sample this. 
It's simple, sweet & light on the lemons:

Wherever you go, God is sending you,
Wherever you are, He's put you there;
He has a purpose in your being there.
Christ who indwells you has something He wants to do through you, where you are.
Believe this and go in His grace and love and power.

~Richard Halverson, former Chaplain of the US Congress
And all God's people said:

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